Vision: To become the leader of the global intelligent LED industry!

Mission: To add colorful visual experience to life!

Create a platform for employees to realize their own value!
Look for intelligent lighting, choose Shenzhen LED Color Co., LTD!

Values: Customer first, Strive for perfection, Be brave in innovation, unity and cooperation

Customer first

1. Customer service is the only idea we pursue, and customer demand is the driving force of our development;
2. Think what customers want, be urgent about their needs, and solve their difficulties;
3. Continuously winning in market competition, surpassing oneself in reflection, and surpassing mediocrity in learning;
4. Smile to face complaints and grievances, and take the initiative to solve problems for customers;
5. Have advanced service awareness to prevent problems from burning;

Strive for perfection
1. Do not accept defective products, do not produce defective products, do not outflow defective products;
2. Improve one's professional abilities and pursue the ultimate in doing things;
3. Learn to think of danger in times of peace, and constantly innovate and make breakthroughs;
4. Collected customer requirements, improved technological process and quality standards;
5. In the face of other people's negative, calmly accept, adjust yourself;

Be brave in innovation
1. Product, electronics, structure, appearance, culture, habits, preferences and integration to create lean products;
2. Change the inherent thinking, optimize the production process and improve the production efficiency;
3. Learning ability represents the future, embracing changes, daring to challenge, and stimulating potential;
4. Dare to innovate and be the first to go beyond self-innovation;
5. Establish a sense of innovation, daily thinking, continuous improvement, learn from excellent people;

Unity and cooperation
1. The team should give everything to each other. Old employees should pay more attention to new employees, and new employees should show more respect to old employees;
2. Abide by the company's rules and regulations, maintain the company's image anytime and anywhere;
3. Set higher goals, start with the end, 8 hours for survival, 8 hours for development;
4. Good at finding the advantages of others, actively learn from good people or things, and strive to be a role model for others;
5. We should be grateful to the team and everyone in the group for their care, help and support, and cherish every common honor and progress in the team.